Sunday, May 1, 2016

In My World ... Aliens Glow

Every story requires the author build a world for their characters, whether its a real place or one that's a figment of their overactive imagination. World building, when done right, is behind the scenes magic that becomes part of the background leaving the characters and story in the foreground. Basically, there but not really seen.

I view world building much like the magic of Disney World. Visitors see the attractions, well manicured landscaping, shops and restaurants. They see the world Disney wants them to see. And just out of sight are a network of hidden walkways and buildings where employees, who remain out of sight, support and maintain the created world.

More often than not my stories take place in real places yet I still create their world in subtle ways from the decor of their homes to the places where they work. For my story Alien Rights, part of the Naughty Heatwave boxed-set available June 1st, I built everything. From the diner where Emily works to the stasis chamber on the astrocruiser Neimus where she meets Ralosian commander Kalgron Rodar.

For me, alien environments are a lot more fun as I get to invent things only known to my imagination. An exo-med unit, for example, is a computerized device that can scan someone, detect any anomalies in their genes and repair the problem within minutes. Now that's a device we could sorely use in healthcare, although it would put me out of my "day" job as a CT Scan Technologist.

In addition to the world, I created a race of beings, the Ralosians from the planet Ralos. Since Ralosians are not of Earth they had to be different but still potentially attractive to us. I made the Ralosians large with skin that glows, along with glowing eyes that have elongated pupils similar to an animals.

Of course, since I am also an artist, I had to create an image of Emily's alien hero. Here he is, the dark yet glowing Ralosian Commander, Kalgron Rodar.

Alien Rights by Nicole Austin
Blurb: Be careful what you wish for—it just might come true. While Emily may have wished to be taken away, waking up on an alien cruiser, naked and intensely turned-on wasn’t what she’d had in mind.

Click the button below to read an excerpt from Alien Rights.


And find out more about the Naughty Heatwave boxed-set on the Naughty Literati website.

Happy Reading,

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